Rabu, 25 Juli 2018


CONTOH PTK BAHASA INGGRIS SMP KELAS VII TERBARU-Writing is one of the language skills that is very important for students in learning English, because writing makes special contribution to the way students think and learn. Based on the curriculum recomdended by the government, students at first grade of Junior High School have to master two kinds of text; one of them is descriptive text. Descriptive text is a text about the way of person, places, or things appear. In descriptive text, the students appeal imagination and perceptive senses to make reader taste, hear, see, smell, and feel as they present a vivid word of the subject.download ptk bahasa inggris doc

A small scale survey shows that students problems in writing descriptive text are as follows: limited vocabularies, no ideas to write about, difficulty in organizing ideas, no motivation to write and lack of confidence in grammar. At the beginning of writing activity, students have to find out the ideas what they want to write about. Therefor, developing ideas for making a composition should be conducted by teacher in writing activity. In this research, the writer will try to apply Clustering Technique. This technique is expected to overcome the problem that occurs in the field.

This research is aimed to find out whether teaching writing of descriptive text using clustering technique is effective to improve students writing skill of descriptive text at VII class of SMPN 2 ................ In conducting this research, the writer uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) of Kurt Luwins design: Planing, Acting, Observing, and Reflecting. The instruments that are used in this research are the English test sheet, observation sheets, Questionnaire sheets and interview.

Based on the research results, the application of learning writing skill of descriptive text through clustering technique has improved. Before the implemantation of research (pre-test), among 47 students there were only 13 students or 27.66% who passed the criterion of minimum completeness (KKM) 70, and the mean of pretest is 54,46. In the end of cycle three, the result of the posttest showed that there were 47 students or 100% who passed the criterion of minimum completeness with the mean of postest about 87,12. In addition, students responses to learn are generally positive. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the application of clustering technique can improve students writing ability of descriptive text at VII class of SMPN ...................

Laporan penelitian tindakan kelas ini membahas mapel BAHASA INGGRIS SMP yang diberi judul “Developing Students’ Writing Ability Of Descriptive Text Through Clustering Technique (A Classroom Action Research At The First Grade Of Smpn......................)". Disini akan di bahas lengkap.

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A. Background of the Study
Language is not directly mastered by people because they were not born with a language, people have to learn how to understand and use it, so they can gain meaning and comunicate with others to express their thought and feelings. When people know a language, they can make choices about the words that they need to use and how to put these words together to create meaning. The knowledge of words patterns of language allows them to read, write, speak, and listen in a meaningful ways.
One of the purposes in learning language is to communicate each other and live together. Language is paramount; people use it to define who they are and to shape their place in life. Language is also use to socialize, to dream, and to think. Through language, people can convey their messages both orally and written. The key principles of language existance are to fulfill a range of communicative functions, and these functions will be reflected in the shape of the language itself.

There are two kinds of communication; verbal and nonverbal communication. Verbal communication means spoken and written form, and nonverbal communication for example gestures and body languages. The availabilty of means facilitates people for communication, so that they need a certain language as lingua franca to communicate with others in social life.ptk bhs inggris doc
English is one of lingua franca that bocomes the most widely used language all over the world. As Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rogers said, “Whereas today English is the worlds most widely studied foreign language, five hundred years ago it was Latin.” Besides, English is used as medium of developing relationship with other nations, and it is also used to absorb and develope science, technology, economy, socio-cultural, and education.ptk bhs inggris kurikulum 2013
From some reasons above, Indonesian National Education Department has decided that English is to be the first foreign language and the compulsory subject that should be taught at every levels of school, starting from elementary school up to university level. In line with the statement above, mastering English is a must, and is necessary, which challenges students to accomplish. Therefore, without understanding English they will not able to access many resources, improve their knowledge, and communicate with other people who come from different world as well. In order that they have to master the language skills.ptk bhs inggris doc

There are four skills which have to be mastered by the students in learning English, the skills consist of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Among the four skills, writing is the most difficult skill to be learned by the students, because it needs hard thinking to produce words, sentences, and paragraph at the same time. Writing is more than a medium of communication. It is a way of remembering and a way of thinking as well, no one can write much of interest without thinking, probing, observing, asking questions, experimenting, and reading.
As it is known, writing involves much work and practice. The writing process integrates visual, motoric, and conceptual abilities. Therefor, the students should have extensive knowledge if they want to write anything. The extensive knowledge will support their writing in order to be legible and interesting in reading.
However, writing is important skill and makes special contribution to the way students think, and learn. Therefore, in this PTK, the writer mainly focused on writing skill and put attention on developing students writing ability at first grade of junior high school.
Based on curriculum of junior high school which was recommended by the government, students of Junior High School have to master some texts, one of them is descriptive text. Descriptive text is a text about the way of person, places, or things appear. In descriptive text, the students appeal imagination and perceptive senses to make reader tase, hear, see, smell, and feel as they present a vivid word of the subject. As P. Joseph Canavan stated “students may be describing a sunset, an individual, or a sinking ship. Whatever the subject, a writers purpose in description is the same; to appeal the imagination, the emotions, and the senses.”ptk bhs inggris doc

Descriptive text is not simple as thought, a small scale survey shows that students problems in writing a descriptive text are as follows: no ideas to write about, difficulty in organizing ideas, limited range of vocabulary, no motivation to write, and lack of confidence in grammar. In line with the survey stated, at the beginning of writing activity -including in writing descriptive text-, students have to find out the ideas to write about. Unfortunately, getting stuck of ideas is often faced by students and it can be a block in writing activity. As a result, writing process goes slowly and stops immediately.
The problems above can be influenced by some factors, these are comming from students internal and external factors. The internal factors that can affect students writing are; motivation, cognitive ability, IQ, and talent. The other factor is external factors such as curriculum, approach, and method in learning. However, teachers also take an important role to solve the problems beside both factors stated. On the other hand, teachers should be creative to choose strategies and techniques in teaching.

Broadly speaking, developing ideas for making a piece of composition should be conducted by teachers in writing activity. For those reasons above, the writer would like to propose an alternative technique that is “Clustering Technique”. It is one of the alternative techniques for teachers to improve students witing skill. Clustering uses free association to cluster idea, it is a good way to turn a broad idea into a limited and more manageable theme which actually gives the words that closely related to the theme provided. This technique is an effective tool for prewriting stage of the writing process, and it will help students to develop their ideas before they organize into a paragraph.
Based on the reasons stated above, the writer proposes a title of this “PTK” “Developing Students’ Writing Ability of Descriptive Text Through Clustering Technique.”
B. Scope and Limitation of the Study
This “PTK” focuses on teaching descriptive text at first grade of SMPN ........ at first semester 2015-2016 academic year, and to make a description of this “PTK” deeper, the problems will be limited in: (a) teaching preparation are made by the English teacher at junior high school in teaching and learning activities, especially in teaching descriptive text through clustering technique, (b) the implementation of using clustering technique in teaching writing of descriptive text, (c) the students improvement in learning writing of descriptive text using clustering technique.
C. Statement of the Problems
In this section, the writer plans to analyze the use of clustering technique to develop students writing ability of descriptive text at firs grade students of SMPN ......... The general questions of this research: “Is clustering technique effective in teaching writing of descriptive text?”
The main problem of this research can be formulated into specific problems as stated below:
1. How does the English teacher make the teaching preparation in teaching descriptive text?
2. How are the instructional activities conducted by the English teacher in teaching descriptive text?
3. How much is the students improvement in learning writing of descriptive text using clustering technique?
D. Significance of the Study
The result of the study can provide useful information for three important groups of people, namely: (1) The English teachers of Junior High School level, they will get information about teaching descriptive text through clustering technique and how they are used in teaching-learning process. In this study they also get available information to improve their students average in writing skill. (2) The school principal as a decision maker of junior high school level. Because he or she observes to the teaching and learning activities and the teaching strategies which are used in teaching-learning process directly, and also he or she can sends the English teachers to join an up grading course to improve the teachers competencies. (3) The other researchers, who are interested in teaching descriptive text by using different variables) can get basic information from this study to do further research.
E. Definition of Key Terms
The following are given to make the readers have the same perception for some terms used in this study to avoid misunderstanding. The terms here are to be defined as follows:
1. Clustering Technique means the teachers way or strategy which actually gives the words that closely related to the theme provided.
2. Descriptive Text means a part of factual genre which describes a particular person, place, or thing.
3. SMPN .............. refers to Junior High School in Bekasi which is under the supervision of the National Education Department of Indonesia.



A. Teaching Preparation
Teacher has important role in achieving the learning objectives. Therefore, a good teacher is one who prepares his or her self own lesson plan well before giving the materials to his or her students in the classroom. Jeremy Harmer (1991) stated “before making a plan, teachers need to know several things. This includes knowledge of how to teach, including ideas for different activities and knowledge of useful technique. Teacher should also be familiar with the (rules of the) institution they are working in. However, the most important is knowledge of the students; who they are and what need they have”.ptk bhs inggris kurikulum 2013
In teaching and learning process, the English teachers should make three items of activities, namely; (a) teaching preparation or including the mastery of the materials, (b) teaching and learning process in the classroom, and (c) evaluation. According to the school – Level Curriculum (KTSP), there are some preparations that must be designed by the teachers, they are: syllabus, annual program or semester program, and lesson plan.
Syllabus is the overall organizing principle for what is to be taught and learned or it can be define as the pedagogical arrangement of learning content. According to Jeremy Harmer (1991), before the teachers start to teach, they have to know what students need to know about the language they are learning but the teacher will have to decide which parts of this knowledge they want them to have and when. How is the language to be organised and what skills should we concentrate on, this organization is called a syllabus.

Annual program, it is arranged into determine materials to be taught and learned for school in a year. This program should be prepared and developed by the teachers before they start teaching, because it is the guideline for the development for the next programs.
Semester Program, this program is a conversion from the annual program. This program functions as: (1) the guidance in constructing lesson plan, (2) the calendar model of teaching-learning activity, and (3) the effort to use the available time effectively and efficiently.
Lesson Plan is a course design of a subject which is applied in the classroom by the English teachers, either for one meeting or several meetings. It is based on Muslichs statement that:
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) adalah rancangancontoh ptk bhs inggris smp kelas ix

pembelajaran mata pelajaran perunit yang akan diterapkan guru dalam pembelajaran di kelas.
According to the statement above, the teachers can apply learning process well. On the other hand, with lesson plan, it will show the teachers competency in performing their profession.
In designing lesson plan, there are some steps that must be applied by the English teachers: (1) take a subject unit which will be applied in learning process, (2) write the standard and basic competency, (3) determine the indicators to attain the basic competency, (4) determine the time allocation analysis to attain the indicators, (5) make the objective of learning which will attain in learning process, (6) determine the subject materials, (7) use good method for the teaching and learning activities, (8) manage the steps of learning activities which are called three phase technique, namely: first activities, core activities, and end activities, (9) mention the resources and medias which are used in teaching and learning activities, and (10) determine the evaluation technique, form and the evaluation instrument which will be used in teaching and learning activities. Those can be seen in the table 2.1 below:

Table 2.1
The Format of Lesson Plan
A. Purpose of Learning
B. The Material of Learning
C. Steps of Learning Activity
First Meeting
Beginning Activity: (Completed with time allocation) ....................................................... .................................................... Main Activity: (Completed with time allocation) .......................................................................................................... Closing Activity: (Completed with time allocation) ..........................................................................................................
D. Source of Learning (Mentioned concretely) ............................................................................................................

From the table 2.1 above, the teachers should follow the steps in designing a lesson plan in order to get a good teaching preparation, and also can apply it into teaching and learning activities in the classroom effectively and efficiently.
B. Writing
1. Definiton of Writing
There are several definitions of writing. Charles W. Bridges and Ronald F. Lunsford in their book; Writing, Discovering Form and Meaning state that writing is the process of discovering and shaping meaning. Implicit in this definition is that writing requires communicating that meaning to someone, whether this audience consists solely of the writer or a group of people beyond the writer. The need to communicate is one the humankinds dominant traits and writing is one of the best ways to communicate with one another.contoh ptk bhs inggris smp kelas ix

According to Robert Scholes and Nancy R. Comley, writing is a way of thinking as well as a means of communication.8 They also say that writing is not simply frozen speech. When you tape record a message, it can be played when you are gone and the message will be supported by your voice, your accents, and your emphasis. But if you write the same message for others to receive, people have to read it; they have to speak to themselves in their own voices though not in their words.
Ron White and Valerie Arndt (1998) say that writing is far from being a simple matter of transcribing language into written symbols; it is a thinking process in its own right. It demands conscious intellectual effort, which usually has to be sustained over a considerable period.
In line with the definitions stated above, writing is a powerful means of learning. Through writing, the writer can come to know what he or she thinks and then refines that thinking. Good writing, then, is marked by the writers interpretation of a topic so that the piece of writing reveals what the writer thinks to be significant in the topic.contoh ptk bhs inggris smp kelas ix

2. Writing Process
Writing is a process. If someone wants to write something and he or she wants to make a perfect piece of writing, he/she has to know the process o writing. To understand how important this material of paying attention to the process of writing is, we need to consider just what a process improves. A process is, of course, a series of actions. According to Robert Scholes and Nancy R. Comley, There are three phases of the process of writing. They are prewriting, drafting, and revising.
a. Prewriting, the most productive way to begin your writing task is to collect your thoughts on a piece paper without the pressure of structuring your expression into its final form. Prewriting is your chance to practice what you have to say, begin to worry about how your audience will judge the eventual form of your work. The writer must begin by choosing a subject to write about. It means making a list to potential subjects. It purposes to narrow the focus, to discover the limits that will allow working productively.
b. Drafting, drafting is the point at which you begin to put your ideas in some kind of order and to envision a potential shape for the work you will produce: a beginning, middle, and an end. Before they begin drafting, some writers make an outline to remind them of how they wish to order their ideas.
c. Revising, the writers should revise after drafting, because to revise their writing is important if they want to be a professional writer. “It is an advantage for writers who can have all if they revise and rewrite before they present their work to the reader. The professional writers secret is revision and revision and revision”.
On other sources state that writing is a process that involves the following steps:
a. Discovering a thesis-often through prewriting.
b. Developing solid support for the thesis-often through more prewriting.
c. Organizing the thesis and supporting material and writing it out in a first draft.
d. Revising and then editing carefully to ensure an effective, error-free
Learning this sequence will help and give the writers confidence when the time comes to write. The use of prewriting is a way to think on paper and to gradually discover the ideas to develop. It is also help the writers to understand that there are four clear-cut goals-unity, support, organization, and error-free sentences-to aim in writing. Moreover, the writer can use revision to rework a paper until it is become a strong and effective piece of writing, and be able to edit a paper so that your sentences are clear and error-free.
3. Purposes of Writing
Successful writers do not plan their writing in a vacuum. Instead, they consider the context in which their writing occurs. The writing context includes the reason for writing (the writer purpose). Purpose is an important element of the college essay because it influences your approach.
There are four common purposes in writing. Whether writing a love letter or a term paper, the purposes are; write to inform, to explain, to persuade, and to amuse others.
a. Writing to Inform
In much of the writing, it will intend simply to inform the readers about a subject. To inform means to transmit necessary information about a subject to the reader, and usually this also means telling the readers what the facts are or what happened.
b. Writing to Explain
Writing to explain means writing to take what is unclear and make it clear. In explanatory writing, a writer who understands a complex topic must make sure that the readers understand it as well. The task in explaining is to clarify a subject for the readers. The important thing to keep in mind is that the relationship between the writers and the readers. It is needed to consider how much the readers already know about the subject and how much still needs explanation.
c. Writing to Persuade
Most of people, persuasion is one of the most important things in personal life, their work life, or in their school life. As Daniel Brown and Bill Burnette stated,
The most important writing you ever do in your personal life, your work life, and your school life wills probably persuasion. Complaints to the rent board about your landlord, letters of application for jobs, essays on examinations are all likely to involve writing persuasively. Your task in persuasion is to convince your readers to accept the main idea, even though it may be controversial.
d. Writing to Amuse Others
Writing to amuse requires the writer to focus on the readers other than him or herself. The writer may enjoy the experience and take pride in what you accomplish, but he or she cannot settle for amusing alone. Writing to amuse gives an opportunity to bring pleasure to others. Seize the opportunity and make the most of it.contoh ptk bhs inggris smp kelas ix

4. Types of Writing
There are some types of writing taught in junior high school. Based on the competencies standard and basic competencies recommended by the government, the types of writing which have to be taught in junior high school are: procedure, descriptive, recount, and narrative text. In this session, the writer will explain about types of writing taught at first grade of junior high school, they are; descriptive, and procedural text
1. Descriptive Text
Descriptive presents the appearance of things that occupy space, whether they are objects, people, buildings, or cities. The aim of descriptive is to convey the reader what something look like. It attempts to paint a picture with words.15 The explanation about descriptive briefly will be presented in the next session.
2. Procedural Text
Procedural text is a type of written text, which tells the reader how to do or to make something. The examples of procedural texts are recipe, instruction manuals, directions, rules of a game, etcetera. The generic structures of procedural text are: aims or goals, materials needed, and steps or method. Procedural text usually uses imperative verb, simple present tense, connective of time, and quantifiers Sometimes, illustrations may be used to help the reader understand the text better.
C. Descriptive
Human beings are always interested in other human beings. Most of people are interested in other people more than in anything else. Often, in conversation one hears: “What does he look like?”, “What was she wearing?”, and to answer such questions, people describe it.
When describing someone or something, the writer should give the readers a picture in words. To make writing as real, the writer must write a specific detail to appeal the readers senses, As John Langan (2001) stated “to make the word picture as vivid and real as possible, you must observe and record specific detail that appeal to your readers senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch). Furthermore, he said that a descriptive writing is different from other type o essay, because it needs sharp and colorful details.
In writing description, however, it is possible to take time and set down details that will show with exactness, to describe someone looks for example, the person height, shape of head, color of hair, way of gesturing or walking, look o eyes, etcetera. In order to be accurate and to be interesting, we must notice detail and be able to describe them in abundance.ptk bhs inggris kurikulum 2013
1. The Concept of Descriptive Writing
There is a kind of writing that involves not so much telling the readers about facts or events as showing the readers something. This i descriptive writing, and it has many valuable uses in other kinds o writing.
Descriptive text is part of factual genres. Its social function is to describe a particular person, place, or thing. Besides description gives sense impression; the feel, sound, taste, smell, and look of things. Emotion also described too, feelings such as happiness, fear, loneliness, gloom, and joy. Description helps the readers, through his or her imagination, to visualize a scene or a person, or to understand a sensation or an emotion.ptk bhs inggris kurikulum 2013
The following list contents descriptive words for each of the five senses. Note that some of the words are more specific than others.



A. Research Methodology
1. Place and Time of Research
This research was implemented at the first grade of SMPN ........., and the place of this research is at the VII class, academic year 2015-2016. This research was held more or less for a month started from October, 26th up to November, 22th 2015.
2. Subject and Object of Research
a. Subject of Research
The subject of this research is students at the VII class of SMPN........... The number of the students is 47 which are divided into 23 boys and 24 girls.
The writer chooses this class based upon the interview result with the English teacher of SMPN ........... The teacher informed the students at VII class have the lowest achievement of writing test among the other seventh grade classes and the teacher said that most of students of VII are passive when learning English in the classroom. Therefore, the students need an appropriate strategy to assist them in developing their writing skill scores.
b. Object of Research
The object of this research is to know and describe whether clustering technique is effective to improve students writing skill, this research is also to collect the students perception and impression about process of learning writing by using clustering technique, and to collect the progress result of students participation in learning writing of descriptive text.
The reserach is based on standard competence of first grade student at odd semester: to express meaning in writing functional text, short and simple essay in form of descriptive and procedur to interact with the environment, and the base competence: to express meaning in writing functional text, short and simple essay by using written form correctly, fluently, and accordance with the environment.
3. Method of Research
In this research the writer used Classroom Action Research (CAR). One of experts states that action research is the systematic collection of information that is designed to bring about social change. Action research is a type of applied research in which the research is actively involved in the cause for which the research is conducted. Both qualitative and quantitative methods can be used in action research (Robert C. Bodgan & Sari Knopp Biklen, 1982).ptk bhs inggris kurikulum 2013
Based on the statement above, CAR is a sequence research activity that has characteristics, such as: an inquiry of practice from within, self reflective inquiry, research focus on action in learning, and the purpose is to improve social quality which is done by collecting data or information systematically through four steps: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.
4. Planing and Procedure of Research
The writer is also a teacher, and the English teacher of SMPN............ is an observer in the classroom. The writer and the observer monitor the students in CAR and create a lesson plan and the evaluation or prepare a test before CAR (pre-test) and the implementation of CAR (post-test) in each cycle. Furthermore, the writer also accumulates and analyzes the data and then reports the result of study.
After the writer, the observer, and the students accomplish cycle I (planing, acting, observing, and reflecting), and there might be found a new problem. Hence, it is essential to continue to the second or the next cycle with the same model of the first cycle and so on. Based on the result and practice in the previous cycle, the writer and the observer will follow the same phases. This is the procedure of research:

Table 4.1
Procedure of CAR

a. Planning
In planning phase, after the writer and the teacher of SMPN................. have shared the information about teaching learning process in the school, the writer identifies and diagnoses students writing problem which occurred in the class proven by observing and interviewing.
Afterward, the writer analyzes the data that have been identified through observation and interview and makes conclusion. After that, the writer makes lesson plan based on the recent used syllabus. The writer describes the project or activity that he has designed for his students by preparing lesson plan and applying lesson plan for first grade at VII class of SMPN.........., including an explanation about syllabus based on the curriculum, and all the things needed to complete the plan. The writers preparation includes a general timeline for this work (for example how much time he spends during the planning phase and during the implementation phase (including both the pre-activities and data collection phases), any instructions concerning measures of teaching, media, resources, and assessment.
b. Acting
In this phase, both the writer and the teacher discuss together to carry out the planned action. In this phase the lesson plan that has been discussed, would be implemented by the writer and the teacher to the students. This phase is hoped to be able to solve the students problem.
c. Observing
In this phase, the writer and the teacher observe classroom action research process in learning writing of descriptive text through clustering technique, and students activity in the classroom. When observing, it is important to notice and make documentation all of activities in the classroom. It is regarded on class situation, students response the teachers performance, etc. In this phase, the writer collects the data from post-test.ptk bhs inggris kurikulum 2013
d. Reflecting
The writer and the teacher whose roles are as collaborating analyzing and evaluating learning process in cycle 1. However, if there is a problem, it should move to the next cycle regarding re-planning, re-acting, and re-observing. Consequently, the writer and the teacher should work out uncompleted problems that have been solved yet.
For further specific and systematical steps, the writer makes a list of the procedure of CAR (planning, acting, observing, reflecting), in each cycle as follows:
Cycle 1
a. Planning
Preparing lesson plans.
Preparing the instrument of research for teacher and students. 
Preparing the form of pre-test and post-test.
Preparing learning resources.
Developing learning scenario by using clustering technique.
b. Acting
The writer motivates the students which points out to the base com petence.
The writer explains to the students about the objectives of learning. 
The writer gives the students pre-test.
The writer explains to the students about the descriptive text by using clustering technique.
The writer make group of student in pairs to talk about descriptive text.
The wirter gives the students posttest.
The writer discusses the test together with the students.
The writer gives the students questionnaire and asks them to fill out the questionnaire.
The teacher observes the activity of the writer when teaching and learning process.
The writer evaluates the response of the students from the questionnaire which is given.
The writer evaluates his activity by using questionnaire for teacher.
c. Reflecting
On the first cycle some students seems still not to understand and have difficulties in doing the exercise or test.
There are some students who cannot answer the questions correctly especially in grammar as they still write incorrect grammar.
Cycle 2
a. Planning
Preparing lesson plans.
Preparing research instrument.
Preparing the test.
Preparing learning resources.
Preparing learning scenario.
b. Acting
The writer motivates the students.
The writer explains the objectives of learning.
The writer explains the students how to write descriptive text through clustering technique correctly.
The writer gives the test to the students.
The writer evaluates the results of the test.
The writer gives the questionnaire to the students.
 Observing the writer when teaching and learning process by using instrument of teaching and learning observation for student and teacher.
The writer evaluates the response of the students by using questionnaire which is completed by the students.
The writer evaluates the activity by using questionnaire for teacher.
c. Reflecting
The enthusiasm of the students in teaching and learning process was very good, but there is one till seven persons who still write descriptive text incorrectly.
Cycle 3
a. Planning
Preparing lesson plans.
Preparing research instrument.
Preparing learning resources.
Preparing the test.
Making learning scenario.
b. Acting
The writer motivates the students.
The writer explains the students about the objectives of the study.
The writer revises and explains the mistakes which are done by the students on the last meeting.
The writer gives the test to the students.
The writer evaluates the results of the test.
The writer gives the questionnaire and asks the students to complete the questionnaire.
Observing the writer activity when teaching and learning process.
The writer evaluates the response of the students by using the  questionnaire which is completed by the students.
The writer evaluates his activity by using questionnaire for teacher.
c. Reflecting
x On the third cycle, they had made significance.
x The accuracy of making descriptive text was very good.

5. Technique of Collecting Data
The type of this research is Quantitative and Qualitative Research as well. The technique of collecting data of this research is as follows: ptk bhs inggris kurikulum 2013
a. Test
The writer uses test to get data result about process of learning writing skill. The tests are pre-test and post-test. The pre-test is completed before implementing clustering technique. It is to evaluate students writing ability of descriptive text at first. On the other hand, the post-test is implemented after using clustering technique. The test is held on the action of each cycle. It is to get learning outcomes data. It is taken by giving test to the students after teaching and learning process. This data is the achievement of students.
The writer uses criteria of scoring writing skill in each cycle as mentioned on the table 4.3 below:



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